Recently the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) released data that represents the accountability ratings for each school district and each school in the state of West Virginia. This information is compiled in a format called the West Virginia Balanced Score Card. The card displays accountability indicators in a color-coding system with meaning. A green on the card represents exceeding standards, blue represents meets standards, yellow represents partially meets standards, and red presents does not meet standards. The press release by the WVDE goes on to explain that the Balanced Score Card is a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act requirements. The release included the following statement:
As part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act regarding state accountability requirements, the WVAS identified three groups of schools as needing improvement. Within each indicator, schools earn one of four performance levels identified through a color-coding system: Exceeds Standard (green), Meets Standard (blue), Partially Meets Standard (yellow) or Does Not Meet Standard (red).
- Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Schools: will receive intensive state support as these schools either scored red on all indicators; or red on all indicators and yellow on Attendance; or, were previously identified as CSI Additional Targeted Support Schools (ATS) in multiple subgroups.
- Comprehensive Support and Improvement – Additional Targeted Support Schools: will receive strategic support as these schools scored red on academic indicators in one or more subgroups in both English language arts and mathematics for three consecutive years.
- Additional Targeted Support Schools – will receive support from their county central offices as these schools scored red on all academic indicators in one or more subgroups in both English language arts and mathematics for the 2021-2022 school year.
The link below will take you to the Balance Score Card for Braxton County Schools:
You may scroll down the page and click on the link for individual school details to see results for each school in Braxton County.
West Virginia Department of Education. 2022. “West Virginia Balance Scorecard Results Released.” Retrieved September 22, 2022 (