This message is for families of students and the staff of Braxton County Schools. All schools in Braxton County will be on a 2-hour delay on Mon. Dec. 11, 2023, due to predicted inclement weather. Please stay safe and warm and have a nice evening.
8 months ago, Brenda Wells
Click on the link for an introduction to West Virginia's statewide reading initiative, Ready Read, Write WV.
8 months ago, Joyce Floyd
Good evening. This message is for students and staff of Brxton County Schools. Please note that Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are predicted to be very cold mornings. With the wind chill, the cold can feel like 9 or 10 degrees. Please dress accordingly to stay warm. See you in the morning!
8 months ago, Brenda Wells
Shout Out to all the folks in our Middle and High Schools that make school lunch a success! You are appreciated!
10 months ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
Picture of lunch tray and cooks at BCHS
Picture of lunch Tray and cooks at Braxton County Middle School
Shout Out to all the folks in our Elementary Schools that make school lunch a success! You are appreciated!
10 months ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
Little Birch Elementary Lunch Tray
Picture of cooks and lunch trays from Flatwoods, Sutton and Burnsville Elementary Schools
Picture of cooks and lunch trays from Frametown and Davis Elementary Schools
This message is for families and staff of Braxton County Schools. If you would like to drive students to their future, please become a bus driver. Braxton is starting a class at five o'clock this Friday, the twenty-ninth. Make a difference! Help us drive students to their future! Come out on Friday night at five o'clock and meet us at the school bus in front of the middle school. See you there!
10 months ago, Brenda Wells
Braxton Buses
Frametown Elementary currently has no electrical power. Since restrooms, water, and classrooms with natural light are available, students and staff are continuing as normal . Likewise, school will release on a normal schedule. Thank you. Have a great day.
10 months ago, Brenda Wells
Flatwood's Elementary Adminstrators - Principal: Mrs. Hoover and Behavioral Support Specialist: Mr. Wood update the Braxton County Board of Education on school improvement efforts and student performance at the 9.19 board meeting.
10 months ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
FLES Principal: Meredith Hoover and Assistant Principal-Behavioral Support Specialist Mitch Wood
Superintendent of Schools and the Braxton County Board of Education
Braxton County Board of Education Members
If interested in THE DRIVE that helps others, become a school bus driver! Call extension 272 at 304-765-7101 for more information. Have time during the day? Then, your class starts this Wednesday, 9-20-23, 10:00 am - 2 pm daily. Have time on the weekend? Then your class starts Friday, September 29, 5-10 pm, continues Saturday from 8 am to 4 pm, and Sunday 1 pm -6 pm, then continues the same hours the next weekend. Call extension 272 at the board office for more information or pick up a packet at the board office.
10 months ago, Brenda Wells
Braxton County Schools is requesting parent input into the practices and services of students with exceptionalities. The West Virginia Department of Education has provided a survey for parents to complete. If parents would like to have a hard copy; one may be obtained by emailing or calling Christina Bailey, 304-765-7101 ext. 622 or In addition, parents are invited to come to Braxton County High School from 12:00-1:00 on 10/5/23 to participate in a focus group discussion. We appreciate the support and would like to hear of your concerns. The survey link is below: Thank you for your support of Braxton County Schools.
11 months ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
Community Connections event
11 months ago, Wanda King
Families of Students Who Ride the School Bus, If not done so already, please return the bus enrollment form to your child's bus driver or school. By state policy, to ride the school bus, the bus enrollment must be completed. The driver needs this information as soon as possible. Thank you and have a great day.
11 months ago, Brenda Wells
Preschool start information
12 months ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
Flyer announcing start dates for PK
Back-to-School is just around the corner. Please visit for the 23-24 SY calendar. BCS is so excited about welcoming our students back.
12 months ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
Back to School Image August 16, 2023 first day for students
Bus schedules for School Year 2023-2024 may be found on the Braxton County Schools website and Facebook pages. Staff is busy preparing and looking forward to greeting their students for the new school year. We can hardly wait for Wednesday to come. See you then!
12 months ago, Brenda Wells
 Page 1: Bus Schedules 23-24
Page 2 Bus Schedule 23-24
Page 3: Bus Schedule 23-24
Page 4, Bus Schedule 23-24
Activity Run Bus Schedules: This message is for families of students participating in after-school activities. The regular activity run bus schedule begins this Thursday, August 10. Please note, the regular activity run bus schedule begins this Thursday and is posted on the Braxton County Schools website and on the Facebook page. This schedule is a continuation of last year's schedule. Thank you and enjoy your evening.
12 months ago, Brenda Wells
23-24 Activity Run
BCS Employees, Please see the link below for the 23-24 beginning of year professional development schedule.
12 months ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
Activity bus runs will start August, 2023. Please see information below for routes and times.
almost 1 year ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin
Activity Bus Schedule 23-24SY
Hopefully, everyone is enjoying their summer break. The board office and staff of Braxton County Schools are looking forward to students returning on Wednesday, August 16. This rest of this message is for famiies of students participating in activities between July 31 and the start of school. Activity Bus runs will begin this Monday, July 31, at eight o'clock in the evening. The routes are similar to last year and will be posted on Braxton County Schools website and facebook page. Thank you and have a great day!
almost 1 year ago, Brenda Wells
Aug Activity Run 2023
This is a reminder from Braxton County Schools that all students entering 12th grade will need to provide a copy of their Meningitis immunization record before school starts. This record may be dropped off at the Braxton County Board of Education Office or they may be faxed to Braxton County High School at 304-765-7976. State law states students cannot attend school on the first day without this immunization proof. Seniors should also provide a copy of their latest check-up and dental exam, but these are not required by law for attendance on the first day of school.
about 1 year ago, Braxton County Schools Site Admin