Tyler Baldwin, a student at Braxton County High School, was recognized for his heroic act of rescuing a neighbor from a burning house on November 29th.
On Wednesday, Tyler Baldwin, a student at Braxton County High School, was recognized for his heroic act of rescuing a neighbor from a burning house on November 29th. During the recognition ceremony, it was revealed that Tyler aspires to become either an officer with the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (WVDNR) or a first responder.
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BCS COVID Numbers for the week of 12.6.2021 through 12.10.2021
Do you still need the BCS app? Watch our great explanation video on the Braxton County Schools’ app.
We are loving our new app! Access documents,
news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from
your pocket. Download the app on Android:
https://bit.ly/3E0TTCW or iPhone:
BCS COVID Numbers for the week of 11.29.2021 through 12.03.2021
December 2021
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
In spring 2021, your student took the WVGSA or SAT School Day, which measures academic progress for students and schools in West Virginia.
Earlier this year you received a printed copy of your student’s individual student score report for the WVGSA or SAT School Day, which contained information regarding your student’s performance in the tested areas. To further assist parents/guardians in understanding your student’s performance on the WVGSA or SAT School Day, in addition to the printed report you received, the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) is providing an individual video score report for your student as part of a statewide pilot program.
A link to your student’s individual video score report will be sent to your student’s K12 student email address. Please work with your student to access the link in the email. Once you click on the link, you will be taken to a site where you will need to enter your student’s date of birth to access the video report.
In addition to the report, you will have access to resources related to the WVGSA or SAT. After viewing the video report, we encourage you to talk with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s academic progress.
Additionally, the WVDE requests that you complete a short survey to provide your feedback about the video score report, so improvements can be made for future reports. To access the survey, please click here, or enter this address in a web browser: https://forms.office.com/r/5uJPGAXEvL.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (304) 765-7101, extension 732.
Linda Sears
Director of Teaching and Learning
We’re thrilled to announce Braxton County Schools’ new app! It’s everything Braxton County Schools, in your pocket.
Watch a great explanation video on the Braxton County Schools’ app.
Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3E0TTCW or
iPhone: https://apple.co/3nq4Mrs.
Please enjoy the video below filmed by PBS on Community In Schools
This message is for all Braxton County Schools students and staff. This Friday, December 3, will be a two-hour early dismissal to allow time for staff to participate in Professional Learning Communities. We would ask that all families of students in third grade and under have a parent or documented adult at the bus stop to meet the student. Again, Friday, December 3, is a two-hour early dismissal. Thank you for working with us to ensure your child returns safely from school. Have a nice evening.
BCS COVID Numbers for the week of 11.15.2021 through 11.19.2021
Due to some errors in the previous post, BCS has updated the post regarding the board vacancy.
BCS COVID-19 report for 11.08.2021 through 11.12.2021.
BCS COVID-19 report for 11.01.2021 through 11.05.2021.
This message is a reminder for all families of students and all staff of Braxton County Schools. Thursday, November 11, is a holiday in which we honor all veterans who dared to put themselves on the line for our country and our freedom. We especially would like to honor Braxton County Schools following veterans: at the middle school, Chuck Murphy, Navy; at the high school, J. D. Drake, U S Army and West Virginia National Guard; Clifton Long, U S Army; Sterling Beane, West Virginia National Guard; and Lee Given, U S Army; at the Board Office, Timothy Via, U S Army Reserve; and William Wells, U S Marine Corps. Again, we than you for your service.
Last night at the Braxton County Board of Education meeting, the board approved four PLC days for teachers. These four PLC dates will have a 2-hour early release time for students. The dates are 12.03.21, 01.07.2022, 02.04.2022 & 03.04.2022. Parents please mark your calendar.
BCS COVID numbers for the week of 10.25.2021 through 10.29.2021.
BCS COVID numbers for the week of 10.18.2021 through 10.22.2021.
BCS COVID numbers for the week of 10.11.2021-10.15.2021.