County administrators, principals, classroom teachers, cooks, bus drivers, aides & custodians all participated in the "I Love U Guys" crisis response training today for professional learning.
This message is for families of students who attend Braxton County Schools. All schools are on a 3-hour delay, today, Friday, February 17, 2023. Repeat, all schools are on a three-hour delay. Thank you for working with us to ensure students are safe.
This message is for families of students attending Braxton County Schools. Braxton County Schools are on a 2-hr delay. Thank you for working with us to ensure students and staff are safe.
This message is for families of students in Braxton County Schools. All schools are now closed due to inclement weather. Please stay safe and warm. Thank you.
This message is for families of students in Braxton County Schools. All schools are now closed due to incllement weather. Please stay safe and warm. Thank you.
This message is for all families of Braxton County Schools students. Braxton County will be on a two-hour delay on Tuesday, January 31. Have a nice day. Be safe and warm. Thank you.
Hip Hip Hooray! 🥳🥳🥳 We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!!!
Family Math Night schedule 2023 for elementary schools
"New year---a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story. Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours."
~Alex Morritt
Happy New Year's Eve to all our students and staff!!!
Holiday Helpers was a success today. Thanks to Braxton County Schools, City National Bank customers and Lisa Conant, Ami Cook, WVU Extension, and Amanda Criner, Braxton County Coalition and to all of our grand families!!!
Tomorrow, November 28, Braxton County Schools will return to school from Thanksgiving Break!
Happy Thanksgiving!! We hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Phone Services are Restored
Phone Announcement
Great News for BCS Sports Fans! Braxton County Schools has a new athletics page for all things Braxton County Sports!
Please see link below to access our new page:
SMART 529 West Virginia's official education savings plan.
You are invited to experience our Living Wax Museum presented by the fourth and fifth grade students at Flatwoods Elementary School. Students will present their hard work and research as their historical characters from a variety of generations. We welcome our parents, guardians, and members of the community to visit this wonderful event and let the students tell you about some historical figures. The students and their exhibits will be open to all Flatwoods friends and families starting at 9:45 am, we are planning on having the exhibits open for approximately one hour. All visitors must sign in and out at the door, may be limited to the number of people inside at one time
You are invited to experience our Living Wax Museum presented by the fourth and fifth grade students at Flatwoods Elementary School. Students will present their hard work and research as their historical characters from a variety of generations. We welcome our parents, guardians, and members of the community to visit this wonderful event and let the students tell you about some historical figures. The students and their exhibits will be open to all Flatwoods friends and families starting at 9:45 am, we are planning on having the exhibits open for approximately one hour. All visitors must sign in and out at the door, may be limited to the number of people inside at one time
You are invited to experience our Living Wax Museum presented by the fourth and fifth grade students at Flatwoods Elementary School. Students will present their hard work and research as their historical characters from a variety of generations. We welcome our parents, guardians, and members of the community to visit this wonderful event and let the students tell you about some historical figures. The students and their exhibits will be open to all Flatwoods friends and families starting at 9:45 am, we are planning on having the exhibits open for approximately one hour. All visitors must sign in and out at the door, may be limited to the number of people inside at one time